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Brandmaier Informative Leuchtanzeig

Visiting address

Liststr. 1



Postal address

Liststr. 1

HORB , 72160



Tel 00497451-8526

Fax 00497451-60295

Company information

Informative lighting displays are our main operating fields We have the complete development and the complete production in our company in Germany. Every customer has big advantages because we have the quality under control and are able to deliver spare parts also after several years. You could recog-nize that in our quality and flexibility and also in the advise before an order, in the cooperation during an order and in the care after an order. The care of our customer don't stop after the end of a project. Only content customer will recommend us. Because of our big product range, we are able to offer for nearly every application the correct solution. He product range goes from numeric displays and alphanumeric displays up to full graphic displays which are also for video applications. We can use the LED and the LCD technic. Also at displays for outdoor applications where a special KnowHow and modern technic is necessary, we have a very high technical standard because of our new developments,

Company information

Headquarters location Liststr. 1
72160 HORB
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size