Reset (Aust.) Pty. Ltd

Visiting address

Unit 24, 11 Havelock Road


Bayswater, Vic.

Postal address



Tel +1 61 3 9720 4977

Fax +1 61 3 9720 8959

Company information

Design Patents Apply. Australian made and designed to accommodate parking meters where there is a need for high security and larger coin capacity, while providing a more aesthetically pleasing streetscape. Incorporates both pedestal and coin vault, eliminating the need for the traditional pipe standard and meter vault casing. Specifically designed for use with multi space car parking meters, it can also be used with single space meters with equal success.

Company information

Headquarters location Unit 24, 11 Havelock Road
3153 Bayswater, Vic.
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size