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nagels Reflects on the Importance of Collaboration in Latest Parking Talks

Insa Nagels, Business Development Manager at nagels

For companies providing one piece of the parking puzzle, cooperation is the key to success. During this week’s Parking Talks, Insa Nagels, Business Development Manager at nagels, explained how collaboration within the industry and even their own company was essential.

How Important Is Working Together with Other Companies to the Overall Customer Journey?

“Cooperating with other companies is more important now than ever. For us, as a globally active ticket manufacturer, it is crucial that we are very close to all system manufacturers and can support their development team as well as they support ours. Our expert knowledge in ticketing technologies for the parking, transit and leisure industries is very specific, so is the knowledge of our partners. Cooperation is beneficial to the industry, and of course the end customer. 

A business woman stands between two business men with warehouse in background

“In addition, our own company consists of 15 companies, which each work with different partners and customers. Bringing the collected knowledge of our own companies together led us to where we are today. Only by cooperating with each other were we able to expand globally and to offer our service worldwide.” 

Can You Share Some Examples of Great Collaborations in Parking? 

“As a parking ticket manufacturer, our thinking very often circles around the parking industry and its movements. However, there is a growing trend towards mobility services and customer experience, which provides a huge field of activity for us.  

“We just recently completed a project, in which we cooperated very well with a system supplier and a software company to provide an intelligent card solution, which integrates shopping, parking and other mobility services. In another project, we developed a paper Park and Ride ticket, incorporating a magnetic stripe and an RFID Chip, the customer can even add a barcode if that’s needed. It can be used for multi-modal travelling and works in existing equipment. This is a perfect example of collaboration which brought all participating parties to a successful conclusion and made the customer happy.” 

What Can We Expect from nagels This Year?

Aerial view of warehouse

“nagels always tries to be close to its customers to help them improve their businesses. As a part of this, we will be increasing our environmental to help our customers reach their environmental goals with our products. In addition, we are very busy working on new ticket solutions, RFID solutions and also some digital product innovations to help our customers to enlarge their business opportunities. We are piloting some digital added services right now and will use our experience of the pilot project to improve our service offering further. Thus, 2019 will be an exciting and innovative year for us.”    

To find out more from Insa, APCOAAsura Technologies, and evopark on the topic of collaboration, watch Parking Talks in full:  

About nagels 

nagels is the international leader in the manufacturing and supply of machine issue tickets for the parking and transport sectors. Operating 15 companies in 10 countries, our annual production exceeds 4.5 billion tickets, with products used in more than 80 countries across the world. This success is based on our ability to provide innovative products that meet international demands, simultaneously responding to industry developments and creating a tailored solution for every customer.
Our consistent and sustained growth can be attributed to the quality and functionality of our products, which are managed by highly skilled teams of ticket specialists dedicated to helping businesses to thrive.


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