The Plastic Lumber Company, Inc.

Visiting address

115 West Bartges Street


Akron, OH

Postal address

United States


Tel +1 330 762 8989

Fax +1 330 762 1613

Company information

Since 1989 The Plastic Lumber Company has been committed to providing the finest products from recycled plastics. Challenged by the idea of building a company based upon environmentally sound business principles, we are proud to offer a wide selection of "state of the art" decking, picnic tables, park benches, waste receptacles, signs, site furnishing and our newest product, large play structures. All of our items possess many advantages over products made from wood, concrete and metal. Our earth friendly products will never splinter, rot, crumble or need painting. Our recycled plastic products have rapidly gained acceptance with governments, commercial entities and individuals where no maintenance and durability are of the utmost importance.

Company information

Headquarters location 115 West Bartges Street
44311-1034 Akron, OH
Some facts
Founded in
Founded by
Company Size